The Journey to Allaah the Sublime

By Shaykh Safiur-Rahmaan al-Mubarakpuri [d.1427H]

Symptoms of Farewell

When the Call to Islam grew complete, the new faith dominated. Allaah’s Messenger [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] started to develop certain grave symptoms. They could be perceived through his statements and deeds.

In Ramadan, in the tenth year of Al-Hijra, he secluded himself for twenty days in contrast to ten, as was in practice previously.

The angel Gabriel reviewed the Qur’aan twice with him as against once in a year. His words in the Farewell Pilgrimage [i.e. Al-Wida]:

“I do not know whether I will ever meet you at this place after this year.”

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